New 2-Year Grant Will Make Huge Difference – Southend In Sight

Published On: 26/05/20231.5 min read

Southend in Sight is the Community Services Division of Southend Blind Welfare Organisation, an independent charity providing practical help to visually impaired people in and around the Southend-on-Sea area.
The charity’s headquarters in Hamlet Court Road houses a Resource and Information Centre, and a Charity Shop, which raises significant funds to support the Centre. An Equipment Loan Scheme is also offered.

Southend in Sight has been generously given a 2-year grant of £19,433.53 from the Community Investment Board.
The grant will be used to continue the charity’s newly expanded social activities programme that includes the choir, Talking Book Club, Fun Fridays and Pub meet-up, as well as their regular coffee mornings, weekly bowling and one-off events for children and older people.

Community Engagement Officer, Georgie Haynes, who runs the social activities programme, says “We now have something for everyone and there are at least two activities you can attend every week. I really enjoy getting to know our regulars and meeting new faces as they come along and join in”.

CEO of Southend in Sight, Lucy Martin, adds “We are very grateful to the Community Investment Board for their generous grant to help reduce isolation through activities. We know it will make a huge difference to local blind and partially sighted people, as it means we can continue to offer them the opportunity to meet up”.

CIB Board Member, Peter Lovett commented “It was a pleasure to attend the choir practice and meet some of the people who are already benefitting from the grant. As part of the CIB, we all try to not only provide funding but support and attend group meetings, so we can share the good work that you all do”.

For more information on Southend in Sight’s social activities programme, please call us on 01702 342131.